Wednesday, February 18, 2009

life is life...

is it possible to have a green tea?!
he paused for a second and said
well, yes
i have waited for him to prepare for me a green tea.
than we sat on the table and he started to talk
than we had breakfast
wondered around the city
still talking
and now i was talking too
next day went out to wonder the city by myself
came back home and told him what i did that day
went to bed
had a good but short sleep
went out again
still talking
came home had dinner
he had to work
i went out but came home earlier
still talking
sunset, sunrise
coffees, teas
life overall
got along well
still get along well
he became a part of my life
had to leave
but i have a piece from him with me
and he has a piece of me with him
we are in the same universe
under the same clouds, same sun and moon
missing him right beside me
even though he is with me all the time

This is the text that gave birth to this blog. It was writen by a good friend of mine, a funny face. Thank you.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

gand spre tine

mâini, picioare, nasuri, cărnuri, noi
gustă-mi pielea după ce amândoi vom respira acelaşi alb amar şi vei vedea că totuşi sunt făcut din flori,
fără spini, fără culoarea roşie care reprezintă de prea mult timp aceeaşi pasiune stupidă, incoloră, insipidă, inadecvată pentru noi ce ne ciocnim întâmplător
da, mi-e dor de tine şi da, mi-ar prinde bine o şuviţa din părul tău de plastic din gândul tău elastic

sau măcar un atom

sau măcar un atom