Monday, July 6, 2009


Who had the idea of slicing time into pieces,
which were given the name of year,
was a genius person.
Industrialized hope
pushing it to the limits of its exhaustiveness.
Twelve months are enough for any human being to get tired and give up.
Then comes the miracle of renovation and all stars once again
we pick up another number wishing that
from now on everything will be different...
...For you,
I wish your dreams fulfilled.
The love you waited.
Hope renewed.
For you,
I wish all the colors of life.
All happiness you can smile to
All songs you can thrill.
For you in this new year,
Wish all friends to be better,
May your family be more united,
May your life be more lived.
I would like to wish you so many things.
But nothing would be enough...
I wish only that you have many wishes.
Big wishes and may they move you further every single minute,
on route to your happiness!


Sa ne ridicam toti in picioare aplaudand, sa racnim ca existam si ca inca mai simtim picioare pe fata si maini cotrobaind in stomac. Nu mai avem timp sa vorbim, nu ne mai ramane decat sa ne decidem o data, sa smulgem mastile astea caraghioase de pe fata si sa urlam a luna plina si a fum, a intoxicatie, a exasperare. Sa facem exces de plante medicinale. Sa ne inghitim lacrimile zambind placut. Sa futem o amprenta pe pavajul nenorocit dintr-un oras decazut si virgin. Sa mai luam un fum. Sa mai bem un vin. In final sa ne varsam organele vitale peste un kil de coca iar mai apoi sa murim prin implozie de simturi si culori.

Abel si Lili, Serez de Luz, doi artisti alaturi de care am avut imensa placere de a performa. Un post mai jos e dovada video.

Va invit sa punem zambet de la zambet si sa plangem la final.