din palma pe care-o urmaresti intr-o miscare circulara, ametitoare. Eu sunt putin din frica ta de inaltime si din ochiul tau drept, sau stang, nu-mi amintesc prea bine. Eu sunt cu tine. Abastru, rosu, mov sau negru, verde inchis, verde deschis si galben, portocaliu, mandarin, corai, culori ce ne-au schimbat privirea odata, amandurora in acelasi timp, in aceeasi clipa cu acelasi gand. Orgasme impartite egal. Dureri si spaime comune. Atingeri gresite. Abordari inexplicabile si tipete in surdina. Greseli de inceput si prea multa rutina. Asa am iubit pana cand imaginea mea deformata si calma a inceput sa o zgarie pe retina. Lacrimi si zambete ascunse, priviri banuitoare si acuzatii si cautari in van. Iritari sau isterie, palme date-n gand si respingere totala. Si toate astea invaluite-ntr-o lumina orbitoare. De-as fi vazut, de-as fi stiut sau cel putin de-as fi-nteles de la-nceput...nu uit, nu am uitat, nu pot uita. Nu mai exista drum de intoarcere, nu mai exista drum de intoarcere...........................................
Si nici o harta nu mi-am luat. Ma fut. Ma descalt si merg. E de ajuns...

And this is the way I ended up where I find myself in this very moment. Trapped in a magical land with elfs and goblins. I saw the green fairy and i live amongst goblins. I’m just waitin’ for the elfs and the unicorns.
Si nici o harta nu mi-am luat. Ma fut. Ma descalt si merg. E de ajuns...

And this is the way I ended up where I find myself in this very moment. Trapped in a magical land with elfs and goblins. I saw the green fairy and i live amongst goblins. I’m just waitin’ for the elfs and the unicorns.
i wish i can understand the writing in romanian but i definetly loved the picture :)
ReplyDeletei have send you some elfs and unicorns from the land of moulin rouge... i hope you received it!
hugs and kisses from a sunny day in istanbul funny face of yours ;)